Zita and Bunny Crochet is a private site written and run by me, Zita Renata Elek. I take great pride in maintaining the integrity of this site and building it as an honest and reliable source of information and inspiration for my readers.
Although I do not maintain this site with the sole intent of financial gain, it is helpful to have some income to offset my expenses. To this end, I rely on income generated through sales in my shop, ads, and affiliate revenue.
I receive revenue from advertisements that appear on this site. The ads that appear on this site are managed by a third party ad management service, and are not chosen or necessarily endorsed by me.
I also receive compensation through affiliate programs and links. This means that I may receive a small commission, at no additional cost to my readers, when a product is purchased through an affiliate link on my site. Affiliate links will always be disclosed.
Please rest assured that these affiliate relationships will never drive the content of my posts or influence my ability to provide my own honest opinions about products or services.
External Links
From time to time our Site may contain links to other external websites and third-parties. Moreover, we may have ads and banners on our Website that contain external links in them to third-party websites, products and companies. We do not check, control, validate, monitor or investigate such links for accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness. We do not warrant, endorse, guarantee or assume responsibility for any information or product offered by third-party websites. If you choose to click on links and be taken to an external website belonging to a third-party, then you and only are responsible and liable for your actions should you suffer or incur any harm or loss.
We make no guarantees
You acknowledge and agree that our Website has not made any guarantees about the results of taking any action. Regardless whether a product or service is recommended, we absolutely do not make any guarantees as to results. You understand and agree that what works for one person might not work for the other person. Moreover, results are dependent on many different factors, and we cannot make any guarantees. Whether you will succeed or fail ultimately is dependent on your own efforts, your particular situation, and numerous other circumstances that are beyond our control.
Testimonial disclaimer
Our Site may contain testimonials by actual users of our products and/or services. These testimonials reflect the actual user’s true and own opinions and experiences. We do not pay or manipulate these testimonials. They appear on our Website verbatim as given to us by the users, except for the correction of grammar or typing errors.
However, you agree and understand that the experiences are personal to those particular users, and it may not be representative of everyone’s experience with that product and/or service. Your individual results may vary.
If you require any more information or have any questions, please feel free to contact me by e-mail at zitaandbunny@gmail.com.